Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Letter to Charlemagne Essay Example for Free

Letter to Charlemagne Essay His Majesty King Charlemagne:  With utmost diligence regarding the king’s instruction to go forth and inspect governments, administer justice, and reawaken all citizens to their civil and religious duties, herewith is the detail account concerning the outcome of this noble undertaking. Indeed, the kingdom under his majesty’s rule enjoys great peace and an enduring justice as the King’s officials such as the kingdom’s archbishops and abbot, the dukes and counts are doing their duties well, thanks to his majesty’s missi dominici which effectively performs their own duties of visiting every courts throughout the kingdom and to ensure that taxes were properly collected and that all the king’s decree were followed. His majesty’s victories against the Lombards and the Saxons as well as against the Avars have brought the kingdom stable peace (McDonald, p. 95) and genuine respect from the very citizens who were proud of his majesty’s victories. His majesty’s unexpected coronation by Pope Leo as â€Å"an Augustus† confirms his majesty’s â€Å"formidable power† (Brown 2004, p. 435), that certainly added much respect to the Kings court which prompted them to render their duties satisfactorily. However, despite of the general peace that the kingdom enjoyed as well as of the fine performance of civil duties, many people especially from the ranks of peasants and the nobility are poor and illiterate. In general, life was â€Å"brutal and harsh† (The History Guide) for the peasants as many of them were in abject poverty. Religion was less important as many of them were illiterate. This was also the case of the nobility who were mostly illiterate. Concerning religion, both the peasants and the nobility have little regard for religion for two reasons; the first one is that, since most of these groups were illiterate they cannot understand Christianity as their access to the Christian Bible were very limited. Second, most of the nobility spend their life in fighting. Given this problem, it is hereby presented to his majesty some solution to the problem in order that an enduring justice and peace will continue to flourish throughout the Kingdom. First is, the establishments of more schools so that everyone who can afford its cost whether they are peasants or nobility can have the opportunity to improve their condition. In matters of religion, the nobility were the most numbers of people who have no religious beliefs were in darkened by illiteracy because they spent much of their time in fighting. They mostly land less although compared to the peasants, they were quite better. With this situation, it is hereby noted that those soldiers who were given lands in recognition of their efforts in war were the most loyal of the king’s subjects and were ready to accept whatever is the king’s instruction, whether to encouraged them to embrace Christianity or to faithfully obey all the king’s decrees. In general, everything was under the king’s control although there also some isolated cases of dissatisfaction, everything were fine. The king should continue to promote religion as well as the establishment of more schools so that people can learn reading and writing in order for them to gain understanding which would open their minds to embrace Christianity and to their civil duties satisfactorily. References Brown, P.R.L. (2004) The Rise of Western Christendom: Triumph and Diversity, A.D†¦., Parts 200-1000 UK: Wiley Blackwell â€Å"Lectures on Ancient and Medieval European History† The History Guide Macdonald, M.H. (1996) Europe: A Tantalizing Romance: Past and Present Europe for Students and the Serious Traveler USA: University Press of America

Tuesday, January 21, 2020


Many books have been written by many authors that deal with a struggle between society and individual. Albert Camus’ The Stranger (L’à ©tranger) deals with this same topic, but it can be analyzed from a unique and very interesting point of view. The way of life of people can be analyzed by classifying them into two main forces that oppose each other. These forces were named after the Greek gods Apollo and Dionysus.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Theses terms were first used by the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. The main concept of the Apollonian personality is that these persons’ main mode of functioning is by reason, whereas the Dionysian personality functions by intuition. In Camus’ The Stranger, Mersault’s personality can be seen as Dionysian (reasons will be discussed later), but his main attitude towards society is quite Apollonian. This leads to the statement that the Dionysian personality of Mersault is restrained by society, making him seem or behave in an Apollonian style.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The term Apollonian was first used by Nietzsche to represent principle of order, logic, clarity, moderation, and control in human personality and society. He applied the word Dionysian to represent spontaneity, passion, intuition, an excess in human personality, and rebellion against society. The Apollonian self is what makes people be organized, be on places on time, follow the rules, etc. An Apollonian person often wants solitude and quiet moments to think. Some of these persons often loose temper when they encounter their clashing personality, the Dionysian personality. The Dionysian personality always wants to have fun, live the moment, resist authority and act on hunches. A Dionysian person usually has a tendency to resist authority, jump to quick conclusions (whilst the Apollonian tends to think a lot before jumping to conclusions or making decisions) and indulge, or overindulge, him/herself. While the Apollonian person likes to have quiet time to think, a D ionysian person likes to daydream. The Dionysian personality basically revolves around the senses and what is natural and beyond reason.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In The Stranger, Mersault’s personality can be difficult to analyze. Some people say that his personality is strongly Apollonian; some say that he is a balance of both personalities, and others say that he is Dionysian. Mersault, as society sees him, he is an individual with antisocial traits, a person who rarely speaks and does not show many emotions. All these traits can be related to the Apollonian style. But we can also see that he enjoys laughing, going to the beach, basic human needs like eating, drinking and having sex and he resists or rebels against society.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Qualities of a teacher Essay

The first thing that a good teacher needs is knowledge. You will need to be able to provide students with what they need and want to know. I will learn a lot of the knowledge I need from the college classes I am taking but I will also learn a lot if not more from the student teacher hours I will gain my last year of school. Also, a good teacher must be a person who is open to change. There is a place not only for tradition but also for new ways, new ideas and new methods. To be a good teacher, you must be willing to learn from other peers and from students. I have learned a lot just from observing my teachers in high school, as well as the teachers I help out in the elementary. I have learned that they all help each other out; they all have creative ways of teaching the classroom. I am excited to be able to have a classroom of my own and share methods that I have learned to the teacher at the school I will be teaching at someday Creation perhaps is the second quality a good teacher should have. To me is it equally as important. A teacher must be able to motivate students by using creative and inspirational methods of teaching. They should always seek to find new ideas, ideas that will motivate kids to want to learn. Lessons need entertaining just as much informational. Being a creative teacher will make students enjoy classes because they know there are many new and interesting things in your lessons.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Issue Of Abortion And Abortion Essay - 1567 Words

The issue of abortion is a controversial one; there are arguments on both sides of the debate. In 1973 the national case of Roe v. Wade, sparked political decisions that created a national right to abortion. Further, Roe v. Wade declared that unborn children are not `persons nor are they entitled to the same constitutional protection as `born children (Baird, Rosenbaum, 2001). However, Roe v. Wade did not end the debate, nor, did it stop both sides for continuing the fight for their individual beliefs. On the one hand, pro-choice’s believe that woman are entitled to have abortions. Stating that an unborn child is under the rights of the pregnant women. On the other hand, pro-lifers believe that a woman should not have the right to obtain an abortion, stating that an unborn child is a human deserving the same constitutional rights as a child that has been born. The political goal most frequently mentioned by pro-lifers has been a Human Life Amendment (HLA) to thus, reverse Ro e v. Wade. The HLA would declare unborn children to be persons deserving equal protection under the Constitution. From an ethical standpoint, one can take either side, for not only these reasons but also many more that we will further explore. I personally think that abortion is a decision that can only be made by the person in question, and not between that person and the government or an HLA. We well first look at the overall argument of the pro-choice side. After which, we will delve into theShow MoreRelatedAbortion Is A Issue Of Abortion1697 Words   |  7 PagesAbortion is a very touchy subject in our society. In the U.S. it is legal to abort a fetus up until the twenty fourth week. An abortion is the ending of a pregnancy before birth, which results in the death of an embryo or a fetus. Many people consider abortion as cruel as murder. Although some say abortion is in there own hands and is there own decision, others believe that no one but God has the right to take someone e lse s life. People that support abortion do not consider an unborn fetus a personRead MoreThe Issue Of Abortion And Abortion876 Words   |  4 PagesAbortion is one of the most debatable and controversial issues that exists in our society. An abortion is a medical procedure that terminates a pregnancy before 24 weeks. People who call themselves Pro-Life feel that it is the government’s responsibility to preserve all life, regardless of concerns for the pregnant woman’s health, or for the quality of the life of the child. The Pro-Choice argument feels that a woman should have the choice when it comes to what they wish to do with their own reproductiveRead MoreAbortion : The Issue Of Abortion1411 Words   |  6 Pages â€Å"Abortion is one of the most common medical procedures performed in the United States each year† (Abortion Overview and History). It is the termination of a human pregnancy, which is often performed during the first twenty-eight weeks of pregn ancy. The topic of abortion seems to be a major issue in todays time. There are many people who are for it and many people who are against it. Religion has a lot to do with the side that people take on this issue. Many people see abortion as committing murderRead MoreThe Issue Of Abortion And Abortion1115 Words   |  5 Pagesjust give you up and kill you? Approximately 125,000 abortions occur per day. 1.1 million U.S. abortions each year. Nearly 1 in 4 (22%) of pregnancies end in abortion. 50% of women now seeking abortion have had at least one previous abortion. The U.S. abortion rate is among the highest of developed countries. 51% of abortions are performed on women less than 25 years of age. Approximately 1/3 of American women have had an abortion by age 45. Abortion disproportionately affects black and Hispanic womenRead MoreAbortion And The Issue Of Abortion2577 Words   |  11 PagesThe history of abortion in the United States is more complex than most people imagine. Ab ortion and issues surrounding abortion are involved in intense political and public debate in the United States, law varies from state to state with regards to state legislature of abortion. Until 1973, the control of abortion, was almost entirely in the hands of the government of the state. (Vile. M. J. C, 1999, P203) The focal legal debate surrounding the issue of abortion is whether a foetus has aRead MoreAbortion : The Issue Of Abortion Essay777 Words   |  4 Pagestheir whole future is demolished. In today society, the issue of abortion is very controversial in the United States. Abortion is the ending of the early pregnancy. Many people said that aborting or killing an unwanted child is should be against the law. Everyone has the right to live, whether it’s a fetus, an embryo or just a newly fertilized egg; Abortion is a murder, and it should be illegal because it’s killing a helpless human being. Abortion is one of usual medical procedures performed in the URead MoreAbortion : The Issue Of Abortion1455 Words   |  6 Pagesstates could not restrict the right for a woman to have an abortion. Although more than forty years have passed, the controversy surrounding abortion rages on. Many different arguments are used in order to attack or defend abortion. It’s important to look at each of these from as objective of a lens a possible to keep bias, while unavoidable, to a minimum. Essentially each side of this argument boils their points down to be as follows, abortion should be included in a woman’s constitutional right toRead MoreAbortion And The Issue Of Abortion1946 Words   |  8 Pagesways of looking at the issue of abortion are most easily categorized into five major points, legal precedence, birth control issues, human rights, religion and when life begins. Based on both empirical and moral claims, a wide spectrum of views supporting either more or less lega l restriction on abortions has emerged in America. While advocacy groups define the issue through its constitutionality and its moral views represented by their constituents, politicians define the issue by party lines, generallyRead MoreAbortion : A Controversial Issue Of Abortion Essay2668 Words   |  11 PagesAbortion is terminating a pregnancy before the fetus has been born. Abortion has been and still is very controversial and has had an increasing amount of cases all over the world. In 2000 there were over one million abortions in the United States (Harper, et al., 501). Abortion is one of the most common procedures women undergo. According to the current abortion rates about thirty percent of women will have an abortion by the age of forty-five (Jones and Kavanaugh, 2011). Most abortions are attributedRead MoreAbortion : The Issue Of Abortion1212 Words   |  5 PagesThe topic of abortion has been an ongoing debate for many years. According to, abortion was l egal in in the days of the early settlers. At the time that the constitution was adopted abortions were legal. Abortions were openly advertised and performed before the first fetal movement (13-16 weeks from the start of a women’s last period). The concern for abortion started in the late 1800’s when immigrants were coming into the country in large numbers and the fear was that they would produce